
DUTA Press Release: December 9, 2019


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More than 3000 teachers March to Parliament Street and Court Arrest to demand Absorption

The DUTA’s movement for absorption of adhoc and temporary teachers has intensified over the past week. More than three housand teachers marched to Parliament Street today, where many of them courted arrest with the DUTA leadership.

The MHRD has agreed to some of the urgent demands of the DUTA, including the amendment to the 28 August DU Circular  and the counting of past services in all pending cases of promotions as per the 2018 Career Advancement Scheme. However, the demands for absorption and the counting of total years of service for promotions have not been conceded to by the MHRD.

The inhuman and exploitative conditions under which adhoc teachers have been forced to work for many years, including the denial of minimum employee rights like maternity leave etc., can only be mitigated through absorption.

The DUTA leadership has written the following letter (appended below) to the HRD Minister, urging the Ministry to initiate further dialogue on all the urgent and pending issues that have been ignored, despite repeated appeals in the form of memoranda and letters. If the MHRD continues to ignore the DUTA’s pending demands, it will face the collective ire of the teaching community.

Rajib Ray
President, DUTA

Rajinder Singh
Secretary, DUTA

DUTA Memorandum to MHRD: 8 December 2019 – LINK

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