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FEDCUTA Press Release: 05.01.2020


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Federation of Central Universities Teachers Associations (FEDCUTA) condemns attack on JNU students and teachers

The FEDCUTA unequivocally condemns the violence unleashed on the students and teachers of JNU by armed goons, orchestrated by the JNU VC and his henchmen. The violence that has gone on now for two days and continued unabated for several hours today is a brazen attempt by the administration to terrorise the students and teachers who have bravely put up an unwavering fight to defend the University. 

Shockingly, the armed goons, with lathis and stones, were allowed to enter the campus and to freely run amok on campus, identifying and attacking students and teachers, pelting stones on teachers’ houses, vandalising cars and property and entering women’s hostels even as the campus security has silently stood by. Several teachers and students including the JNUSU President have been seriously injured. 

The FEDCUTA also condemns the complete complicity of the police in refusing to intervene or providing the minimum security and protection to the JNU community in the face of this dastardly attack. This also reveals the intent of this Government which has been totally complicit in the violence against teachers and students in campus after campus in different parts of the country.

The FEDCUTA demands an immediate stop to the violence and protection for the students and teachers. The FEDCUTA also demands the immediate removal of the JNU VC for failing in his moral responsibility to ensure the safety of all students and teachers.

The FEDCUTA stands in solidarity with the teachers and students of JNU. 

         Rajib Ray                                                                                                           D.K. Lobiyal

(President FEDCUTA)                                                                                         (Secretary FEDCUTA)

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