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DUTA Letter to VC regarding Contribution to Prime Minister’s National Relief Fund to Combat COVID-19 epidemic


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Regarding Contribution to Prime Minister’s National Relief Fund to Combat COVID-19 epidemic

Professor Yogesh Tyagi

Vice Chancellor
University of Delhi
Delhi 110007


Subject: Regarding Contribution to Prime Minister’s National Relief Fund to Combat COVID-19 epidemic

Dear Professor Tyagi,

Please refer to the letter No. Estab.II(i)/27/VC RF/2020 dated 29.03.2020 issued by the Registrar (Acting) and addressed to the Deans of the Faculties/Heads of the Departments/Directors/Principals of the Colleges, University of Delhi regarding “Contribution to Prime Minister’s National Relief Fund to combat COVID-19 epidemic.” This letter clearly states that voluntary contributions of Delhi University employees through deduction of one day’s salary (Basic + DA) from the month of March, 2020 will be submitted to the Vice Chancellor Relief Fund from where the consolidated contribution will then be submitted to the Prime Minister’s National Relief Fund (PMNRF).

However, much to our shock, we came to know from your message to alumni of Delhi University (enclosed with this email) that the consolidated contributions have been submitted by the University to the Prime Minister’s Citizen Assistance and Relief in Emergency Situations Fund instead of PMNRF.

As you are aware, employees of Delhi University have always been in the forefront of providing assistance (financial or otherwise) and reaching out to the needy in the event of natural tragedies. Historically, we have provided financial assistance to the PMNRF or Chief Minister’s Relief Fund either through local Staff Associations or through the Vice Chancellor Relief Fund (as in the present case). This has efficiently worked out most times because of trust and transparency between the employee, college and the University. It is extremely unfortunate to note that in the present case, this transparency has been violated. It is totally unacceptable that an appeal is made by the University for contributions under one head (PMNRF) and in reality the contribution is submitted to another head (PMCARES). Such acts of misdirection shake our faith in the professional working of the University. Why were the employees not informed that their contributions would be sent to PMCARES? Why were contributions collected in the name of PMNRF? All employees have the right to know at the very least that their contributions will be made to that authority in whose name the contributions were solicited.

These are difficult times for the entire nation, and every individual in this University would like to do their bit to confront the unprecedented challenges posed by the pandemic. We can only overcome these challenges through mutual trust, including stewardship of good institutional practices like transparency and accountability.

Yours sincerely,

Rajib Ray
President, DUTA

Rajinder Singh
Secretary, DUTA

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