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DUTA Letter to Sh. Ramesh Pokhriyal ‘Nishank’ reg. Petition to Prime Minister opposing Online Open Book Examinations in DU


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Petition to Prime Minister opposing Online Open Book Examinations in DU

17 June 2020

Sh. Ramesh Pokhriyal ‘Nishank’                           

Hon’ble Minister, Human Resources Development
Shastri Bhav
New Delhi – 110001

Sub: Petition to Prime Minister opposing Online Open Book Examinations in DU

Dear Shri Pokhriyal,

We are sending you a copy as attachment of the Petition that we have submitted today to the Hon’ble Prime Minister to express our strong opposition to the decision taken by Delhi University to hold Online Open Book Exams (OBE) for terminal year/ semester students. The petition has been supported by 15,701 students, teachers and parents of Delhi University.

The reasons for our opposition have been communicated to you after the DUTA conducted a Survey-cum-Referendum with nearly 52,000 students and are clearly reiterated in our petition. Many Universities, including IITs, are adopting alternative methods to grant degrees, which must be seriously considered given the pandemic conditions prevailing in the country. This will be in the best interests of the students.

We once again wish to draw your attention to the issues and hope for an early intervention.

Yours sincerely,

Rajib Ray
President, DUTA

Rajinder Singh
Secretary, DUTA

Attachment: DUTA Letter to Prime Minister

cc: Secretary, MHRD

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