
DUTA Letter Staff Associtions: 02.04.2021


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Appeal to SAs to mobilise for Jansamvad and Rally to MoE

President/Secretary/Office Bearers
Staff Association
Dear colleagues,
We salute the efforts of the Staff Associations in making the DUTA action programmes successful despite ongoing health crisis. We also thank Staff Associations for their feedback. 
The Resolution of the DUTA Extended Executive of 31.3.2021 along with the poster for the 7 April Rally to MoE were emailed soon after the meeting and were also shared in the Official whatsapp group of Staff Associations. 
We appeal to you to mobilise and participate in the action programmes listed for this week and make them successful. 
Jan-Samvad, an outreach action programme in the constituency of Sh Arvind Kejriwal and Sh Manish Sisodia, is scheduled for 5 April 2021 and 9 April 2021 respectively. These are part of our ongoing movement to save 12 DU Colleges that are 100% funded by Delhi Government. Please find the poster of the 5 April action programme attached. We request teachers to join at one of the listed protest site as per their convenience. Teachers will distribute leaflets and explain issues to passersbys from 4 pm to 6 pm. We shall maintain Covid 19 safety protocols. Sites have been chosen keeping in mind the possibility of forming human chains at these sites. 
Please also find the DUTA letter to the Vice Chancellor (Acting) on the matter of the 12 DU Colleges. – Link
On 7 April, classes will remain suspended after 10 am and teachers will assemble at Mandi House at 11 am. We shall Rally from Mandi House to Jantar Mantar for our demand of Absorption of working ad-hoc and temporary teachers  as per DoPT Roster. Please find the poster attached. We need to rebuild this movement so that our teachers get justice. We appeal to Staff Associations to mobilise for the programme by holding SA meetings to ensure participation. 
In solidarity
Warm Regards

Rajib Ray
President, DUTA

Rajinder Singh
Secretary, DUTA

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