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DUTA Press Release: 18 August 2021


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Second day of DUTA strike and social media campaign against Delhi Government 

The second day of the two-day strike call by DUTA against the repeated delays in release of grant-in-aid by the Delhi Government was successful today and teachers took to social media to campaign against the harassment meted out to employees by the Delhi Government. Teachers tweeted and shared photographs on Instagram to highlight the plight of employees who are forced to take loans repeatedly because of these delays and are living in constant stress. Teachers across the University boycotted classes for the second day to express their solidarity with their colleagues from the 12 colleges which are fully funded by the Delhi Government.

DUTA activists deplored the criminal negligent attitude of the Delhi Government towards timely release of grants describing the detrimental effect this has had on the academic functioning of the institutions and which has caused immense hardship to employees in these difficult times of the pandemic.

Time and again the DUTA has been pointing out the instalments released by the Delhi Government are highly insufficient and it appears that these actions are solely to garner media coverage for itself. It must be noted that dues of all employees including medical bills, salaries of ad-hoc teachers and enhanced salaries due to the implementation of promotions for teachers are not able to be met with the grants released.
The DUTA has been repeatedly pointing out that inordinate and unexplained delays in release of grant have had a crippling effect on these institutions, which are amongst the best colleges of the country. The teachers, students and employees will not tolerate this wilful destruction of these premier institutions. 
The DUTA categorically demands that the Government unconditionally releases sufficient grants as the employees must not be penalized but paid all their dues without any further delay.   
Rajib Ray
President, DUTA
Rajinder Singh
Secretary, DUTA

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