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DUTA Letter to Staff Associations reg. Online Protest on 31 August and Human Chain at Mandi House on 5 September: 30.08.2021


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Online Protest on 31 August and Human Chain at Mandi House on 5 September
President/Secretary/Office Bearers
Staff Association
Dear colleagues, 
In the meeting of the DUTA Office Bearers held on 28 August, the following action programmes have been decided: 
1) #RejectNEP on 31 August: As you may know, a meeting of the Executive Council, DU is scheduled for 31 August at 11 am. It includes the agenda on implementation of NEP recommendations w.e.f. 2022-23. These recommendations include FYUP with multiple entry and exit system (MEES), PG courses of 1 year duration, scrapping of MPhil degree and ABC Regulations 2021. 16 out of 26 elected members dissented on this as the University has pushed a major restructuring without consulting teachers through statutory bodies at different levels. 
It is extremely unfortunate that threadbare discussion in the Academic Council of 24.8.2021 was not allowed on this major restructuring. The structure will lead to dilution of degrees and render workload unstable. Any restructuring which will lead to dilution and jobs cut is unacceptable. Students and teachers have suffered hurried implementation of one “reform” after another for the last one decade. 
We shall hold an online protest on 31.8.2021 and request students and teachers to participate in large numbers in the Twitter Storm and social media protest on 31 August 2021 between 11 am to 2 pm. All are requested to use the hashtag: #RejectNEP. Please circulate the poster widely amongst teachers and students. 

2) 5 September, Teachers’ Day: All trade unions of teachers across the country are protesting on 5 September against rampant contractualisation of teaching jobs and anti-student anti-teacher recommendations of NEP. 
The DUTA has given a call for Human Chain on 5 September at Mandi House, 3 pm to 5 pm to highlight our demand of one-time Regulation for Absorption of ad-hoc and temporary teachers as per DoPT Roster, Death Gratuity under NPS, Promotion Scheme for Instructors, Replacement of NPS with the Old Pension Scheme. We request teachers to participate in the protest at Mandi House and lend support to the DUTA movement. 

In solidarity
Warm Regards
Rajib Ray
President, DUTA
Rajinder Singh
Secretary, DUTA

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