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JNUTA Resolution in support of DUTA struggle


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JNUTA Resolution:

It has come to light that at the Delhi University EC meeting of March 6, 2014, major changes to the Statutes and Ordinances have been approved. For the following identifiable reasons, the changes being set in motion will have a long term adverse impact on Delhi University by changing its fundamental character and its ethos as an institution promoting critical thinking:
First, by approving changes in the ordinances of the University to allow the VC to seek a second term. This change should not take place when the term of the VC is about to end and he still presides over the EC. This is especially important since the current VC has been acting in an undemocratic manner and contrary to the spirit of functioning of a university wherein he should be accountable to the university community. He has constantly worked to curtail the autonomy of the academic bodies of Delhi University. Thus, he has been singularly responsible for vitiating the atmosphere in Delhi University and causing large scale demoralization of teachers and students of the University.
Secondly, it is reported that the proposal to impose a Code of Conduct on teachers has been approved. This militates against the spirit of democracy and liberalism which are essential for the smooth functioning of a university. It appears to be a part of a move to impose the UGC’s Code of Professional Ethics that would enable the VC to unilaterally target dissenting academics.
Thirdly, apparently a proposal has been approved to vest all authority for initiating action against teachers found guilty of ‘misconduct’, with the VC. Given the past conduct of the present VC, this will only reinforce authoritarian trends in Delhi University and lead to curtailment of autonomy by instilling a sense of fear in the academic community of the University.
Fourthly, we also hear that threats were held out to teachers who wanted to record their dissent with these proposals in the EC. We believe that dissent is the essence of higher learning. We deplore this attempt to curtail the democratic functioning of a body like the EC.
JNUTA also urges all sections of the academic community in the country to stand up in support of the democratic struggle of Delhi University community lest such changes begin to be initiated in other institutions of higher learning in India.
Arun Kumar                                                                 Dipendra Nath Das
President                                                                      Secretary

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