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Press Release, 11.10.2013


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Press Release

The DUTA welcomes the decision of the Governing Body of the B.R.Ambedkar College, taken at its meeting held today, to suspend the Principal of the College pending enquiry. The collective effort of students, teachers and karmacharis in putting pressure on the Authorities has resulted in this decision, without which there could be no fair and impartial investigation into the charges of continuous victimization and harassment of Pavitra Bharadwaj by the Principal leading to her suicide.

The DUTA further demands that the Vice-Chancellor immediately approve the decision of the Governing Body so that the enquiry can take place without any manipulation.

The Governing Body has not instituted an enquiry with its own terms of reference to investigate all the charges against the Principal. However, since the decision has been taken to cooperate with the one set up by the Delhi Government, the DUTA demands that the terms of reference of the enquiry be made public and all those willing to depose on the conduct of the Principal in the above matter be given a chance to do so.

President, DUTA
Secretary, DUTA

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