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DUTA Letter to VC Regarding recent appointments and related issues


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DUTA Letter to VC Regarding recent appointments and related issues


Professor Yogesh Kumar Tyagi
Vice Chancellor
University of Delhi
Delhi 110007

                                                                                                                                        6 February 2018
Subject: Regarding recent appointments and related issues
Dear Professor Yogesh Tyagi,
As you know, teachers have been eagerly waiting for the permanent appointments to take place. With over 4000 teachers working on adhoc basis for past several years, permanent appointments were essential to bring stability to the institution and to do justice to colleagues working on ad-hoc and temporary basis for last several years. The DUTA has written to you on several occasions requesting regularisation/absorption of long serving ad-hoc and temporary teachers. We express our dismay that in the permanent appointments made in the Law Faculty a significant number of ad-hoc teachers with long years of service have been displaced. 
You will also agree that the UGC Regulations, which stipulated awarding marks to the candidates by Selection Committees, should be used to introduce greater transparency in the appointment process. The award-list and the criteria of awarding marks under various categories (50:30:20) forms an integral part of the minutes of Selection Committees. We note that the marks awarded by the Selection Committees under 50:30:20 were not shared with the Executive Council of 30 January 2018 which approved appointments in various departments including Law Faculty, CIE and Patel Chest Institute.
The DUTA demands that the 50:30:20 break-up be released immediately so that the sanctity of the process is maintained. Further, the criterion for awarding marks in various categories of 50:30:20 should also be made public. 
The DUTA today protested displacement of a significant number of adhoc teachers with long years of service and to demand greater transparency. With over 2500 posts advertised, it is crucial that the University puts in place processes for greater transparency. Sharing the criteria of awarding marks and the marks awarded to candidates by Selection Committees, which form basis of appointment, is an important step towards making recruitment process transparent. For a University which denied the chance of permanent recruitment to young colleagues, it is equally important that justice is done to ad-hoc and temporary teachers who have served the University for long years. We reiterate our demand of regularization/aborption of long serving ad-hoc and temporary teacher.
We also bring to your notice that the appointment process in Colleges is abysmally slow. Delay in permanent appointments in Colleges is causing unrest amongst colleagues. The Pre-screened data of several Departments has yet not been released by the University. The University should ensure that Colleges complete the process of Screening and recruitment for the disciplines for which the Pre-Screened data has been provided to them. 
With regards


Rajib Ray
President, DUTA
Vivek Chaudhary
Secretary, DUTA

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