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DUTA and Students’ Organisations hold Chakkajam in DU Campus to demand Immediate Removal of DU VC

With large banners proclaiming “Ab Nahin Aur Nahin Sehna”, a large numbers of teachers and students held a rally and Chakka Jam in Delhi University  to demand the immediate removal of the Vice Chancellor Dinesh Singh,  who has been served a  Show cause notice by the Visitor, and is facing investigation into financial and other irregularities. DUTA had brought out a 500 page White paper detailing severe  irregularities, abuse of power and misgovernance, on the basis of which enquiries have been conducted by UGC/MHRD and wrongdoing established. DUTA alomg with students organisations have been demanding the immediate removal of the VC  as any further continuance of his corrupt and oppressive regime would irreversibly damage the University. 

Today, hundreds of teachers and students assembled at the gates of  Hindu College, the site of the ongoing daily Joint Dharna by DUTA and Hindu College Teachers Association, in solidarity with two terminated teachers and seven more who have been punished because they have been raising their voice against the corrupt practices of the Hindu college trustees. They held a public meeting at the site of the dharna and demanded the immediate reinstatement of the two teachers who have been unlawfully terminated, and the reversal of the penalties that have been imposed on the seven whistleblower teachers by the Governing Body of Hindu College with the collusion of the Vice Chancellor. They slammed the vicious and corrupt nexus between the DU VC and Mr. S. N. P. Punj who has tried to run the Hindu College affairs like his private fiefdom in the recent times. Disregarding all institutional norms, he has interfered with every Staff Council decision in the college, even in issues of Admissions and Alumni Association – leading to widespread unrest in teachers and students. The DU VC has consistently aided him in his corrupt and authoritarian practices.

After the meeting, the teachers and students marched to the Ramjas College traffic intersection where they held a ‘chakkajam’ for half an hour. They then marched to the Arts Faculty raising slogans and singing songs of protest against the DU VC.

The DUTA has announced that a three-day Jansunvai (Public Hearing) against the DU VC at the Arts Faculty gates from 2pm to 4pm on 30, 31 March and 1st April in which different aspects of misgovernance will be highlighted.  

President, DUTA
Secretary, DUTA

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