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DUTA Dharna at UGC today

Hundreds of students, teachers and karamcharis staged a dharna outside the UGC today under the banner of the DUTA, to press for intervention of the UGC on the question of permanent appointments, promotions and pension of Delhi University employees, all of which have been held up inordinately for many years. The dharna was also joined by a delegation of JNU Teachers’ Association.

A joint delegation of the DUTA and DUCKU met the Vice Chairman of the UGC, Prof Devraj, to submit their memoranda and apprise him of their concerns. They pointed out the tremendous hardship faced by almost 4,500 ad-hoc teachers and about 5000 contract employees because regular appointments had not been made for more than four years. They explained the illegalities and infirmities in the roster, selection committee and screening points system adopted by the DU Executive Council for recruitment of teachers last year. They also expressed their shock at the position taken by the UGC Counsel in the Court on 9 September supporting the modalities adopted by DU. This, they pointed out, was in contravention of the stated position of the UGC expressed by it through several letters written by UGC Officials  to DU in June and July. The delegation demanded that corrective measures be taken in this regard. They also appealed for the setting up of a committee of representatives of UGC, MHRD, DU, DUTA and the Petitioner (SC/ST/OBC Forum) for an early resolution of the matter to ensure a smooth start to the process of recruitment. They also apprised the Vice Chairman of the fraudulent manner in which the Vice Chancellor pushed through retrospective application of API point system in promotion that would affect thousands of teachers adversely. Even senior and retired teachers have not been spared by the Vice Chancellor who, without consulting UGC and MHRD, decided to challenge the relief in the CPF-GPF matter won by teachers through a long legal battle. These vindictive actions need to be reversed in order to avert an unprecedented human crisis staring thousands of teachers in the face.

The delegation also demanded immediate implementation of Government orders on stepping up for senior teachers who are receiving less pay than the juniors. They also impressed upon the Vice Chairman for removal of anomalies in the Sixth pay revision and also set up a new Pay Review Committee for teachers. They demanded a comprehensive review and withdrawal of the API points system in promotions, that has proved to be counter-productive to proper teaching and research. They highlighted problems faced by students following the arbitrary withdrawal of important provisions like Special Chance, Revaluation and Supplementary Exams and the step-motherly treatment meted out to 4.5 lakhs students of SOL. They pointed out that the forcible imposition of the semester system by UGC/MHRD has not only severely undermined teaching and learning in regular courses, but also created a dual degree system in the University, which has threatened the SOL degree with de recognition, apart from depriving SOL students of the facility of migration to regular courses.

The delegation also demanded that the 2012 report of the Satyam Fact Finding Committee set up by the UGC on the orders of the High Court to investigate charges of irregularities against the Principal of Ramjas, be placed before the full Commission and consequent action taken.  

The DUTA condemns the fact that Prof Ved Prakash, Chairman of the UGC, refused to meet the delegation. It is ironic that Ved Prakash, who was complicit in the foisting of the now discredited illegal and substandard FYUP, continues as Chairman even after its rollback. His continued proximity with the DU VC is evident from his negative attitude on the issue of pension and promotions, when approached by a DUTA delegation earlier. The DUTA demands his removal from the post of Chairman UGC, to facilitate proper functioning of the UGC.

President, DUTA
Secretary, DUTA

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