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DUTA Press Release; 26 August 2014: In solidarity with teachers’ struggle at Swami Shraddhanand College


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Press Release; 26 August 2014
In solidarity with teachers’ struggle at Swami Shraddhanand College

DUTA condemns high handed and autocratic behavior of Dr. S. K. Kundra, Principal of SSN College who has arbitrarily terminated services of 6 existing adhoc teachers in violation of the instructions from the UGC dated 21.7.2014,  on the plea that the college has crossed its cap of 173 teachers. The double-standards adopted by the Principal is evident from the fact that he himself crossed the cap by making more than fifteen additional appointments Principal without necessary sanctions from the relevant Staff Council Committees. The paper of Environmental Studies has been arbitrarily allotted to some Departments whereas teachers in some other Departments have been removed even when workload exists as per University norms. The tutorial, preceptorial and practical size norms laid down by the Executive Council have been ignored by him while calculating the workload of departments.
The Staff Association of SSN College has informed the DUTA that it will hold dharna from 10:30 am to 2 pm onwards everyday, without disrupting teaching, to protest against these arbitrary decisions and victimization of teachers.  The DUTA expresses its complete solidarity with the just cause of the struggling teachers of SSN college, and demands that the existing ad-hoc teachers be re-instated, and all fresh positions be decided in consultation with the Teaching Post Committee of the Staff.

DUTA observes that the root cause of this problem is the misgovernance and arbitrary decisions by DU Vice Chancellor. Even as the OBC expansion was complete by the end of 2010, the colleges were only released half the number of posts which the UGC had sanctioned. This has created an artificial cap and crisis for colleges.
Nandita Narain
President, DUTA
Anita Ghosh
Joint Secretary, DUTA        
P.S. President of SSN College Staff Association , Mr. Manish Kumar, can be contacted at 9811087118.


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