
DUTA Press Release: 1 July 2014


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Press Release: 1 July 2014
The DUTA thanks teachers, Principals and student volunteers for having put in all their efforts to smoothen the start of the admission process. They have worked overtime with commitment in the face the obstructionist attitude by the university administration. The revised admission schedule and policy guidelines were not put on the first page of the university website even when the admission process had got delayed and young aspirants and their parents were spending stressful and uncertain moments. The cut-off list was not displayed till midnight yesterday.
The DUTA calls upon the university to focus expeditiously on the issue of restructuring the courses for students admitted to FYUP last year. The UGC order dated 20 June 2014 had directed the University to undertake the job and the UGC had set up a committee to advise it on migration of these students to a three year structure.
The outline of course restructuring should be readied at the earliest so that Committees of Courses / General Bodies of teachers at the level of each subject/department can apply their mind as to how the papers of their subject would be sequenced within a three year structure. This is necessary so that colleges can prepare their workload / teaching load allotment and prepare time table on time for the new session.
The DUTA offers its full cooperation in the process of restructuring so that the batch of students admitted to FYUP, who have suffered most, is provided the best possible alternative structure.

Nandita Narain, President
Harish Khanna, Secretary


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