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Letter to VC on pension judgments


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The Vice Chancellor,
University of Delhi,

26th May, 2014
Dear Prof Dinesh Singh, 

We note that the recent judgments of the Hon’ble Delhi High Court in the
matter of conversion from CPF to GPF for Delhi University employees has been
listed on the agenda for a special meeting of the Executive Council to be held
on 27th May, 2014. The petitioners in these cases had been
broadly categorized into three categories by the Hon’ble Single Bench 
as follows:-
Category I: Those who had exercised option of remaining in CPF only
after the cut-off date 
i.e., 30.9.1987.
Category II: Those who had exercised option of continuing in CPF between
1.5.1987 and 30.9.1987.
Category III: Those who had never exercised any option of continuing in
CPF either in the stipulated period 1.5.1987 -30.9.1987 or 
subsequent to the said
cut-off date.
The judgments in the case of category I and III have brought relief to
hundreds of  employees of Delhi University who have been struggling for
several years for placement in the pension scheme, including some who have
retired in this period. We appeal to you and to all members of the Executive
Council, to accept these judgments and take immediate steps to implement them
in all colleges and Departments of the University.
In this connection, we would like to enclose for your information a
representation in this regard submitted to the UGC by the DUTA on 3.2.2014. The
points raised by the DUTA appear to have been vindicated by the judgment of the
Hon’ble High Court.
We would also request the EC to appeal to the UGC to take a policy
decision to give a ‘one-time option’ to those employees (in Category II) who
have not got relief from the Hon’ble High Court, to enable them to come over to
the Pension Scheme as well. There are only a few employees in this category,
and the financial implications of the change will be negligible, as the CPF
corpus in such cases would be recovered
from them and can be utilized for payment of pension.
It may be noted that the Hon’ble High Court has not given any adverse
decision against the 2469 employees who, as per University records, had
exercised their option to come-over to the pension scheme after the cut-off
date ie 30.9.1987and had been permitted to do so by the University. Most of
these may already be in Category I or III (the exact figure can be ascertained
from colleges/departments), and so the expenditure on this account would not be
considered “unauthorized” as they would anyway have the right to pension as per
the ruling of the Hon’ble High Court. For the small number remaining, the
University should continue to protect their pension rights, which can be made
more secure by seeking regularization of the expenditure from the UGC as a
one-time measure, with an assurance that in the future, permission from the UGC
will be sought before taking such decisions.
With regards,
Yours sincerely,
Harish Khanna
(DUTA President)                                                 
    (DUTA Secretary)

2 responses to “Letter to VC on pension judgments”

  1. Anonymous Avatar

    Task force has been asked to study only cases up to 31.03.1998. The University has completely forgotten the last option valid up to 31.01.1999. DUTA should take up their cases also. Those who retired after November 2010 have been denied Pension They are otherwise similarly placed as has been mentioned in the affidavit filed in the Court.THey are part of 2469. There are only 16 such cases. They have already released pension to about 70 such optees before November 2010. It is a clear case of disparity. DUTA should take up the matter with VC immediately as these cases are as old as 2010. They have neither got CPF nor Pension.

  2. Anonymous Avatar

    Task force has been asked to study only cases up to 31.03.1998. The University has completely forgotten the last option valid up to 31.01.1999. DUTA should take up their cases also. Those who retired after November 2010 have been denied Pension They are otherwise similarly placed as has been mentioned in the affidavit filed in the Court.THey are part of 2469. There are only 16 such cases. They have already released pension to about 70 such optees before November 2010. It is a clear case of disparity. DUTA should take up the matter with VC immediately as these cases are as old as 2010. They have neither got CPF nor Pension.

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