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Press Release, 29.11.2011


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delegation comprising its office-bearers and the two elected teacher
representatives on the DU Executive Council met the Chairman UGC,
Prof. Ved Prakash, yesterday at 11:30 in his office. At the meeting,
which continued for over one and a half hour, DUTA had a thorough
discussion with the Chairman on pending anomalies arising out of the
6th Pay Revision Notification as well as the UGC Regulations 2010.
These anomalies, among others, included stepping up of pay where
juniors with similar, qualifications and experience draw more salary,
minimum starting pay at AGP of Rs. 7000/-, dual emoluments in the
rank of Professors, fixation of pay of teachers on leave as on
01.01.2006, counting of teaching experience of self-financing
courses, disputed date of eligibility for promotion in Reassessed
cases, etc.

delegation categorically stated that the concept of accumulating
points for career advancement is something that at once runs counter
to the very vision of excellence in teaching-learning process,
academic accomplishments and productivity propounded by the MHRD/

took up the long-standing and sensitive issue of parity of librarians
with teachers (a perception with which even the MHRD concurs) by
suggesting that, among other measures, the parity could be brought
about once for all by changing the designation of the Librarians to
Asstt. Professor in Library Science and so on exactly in the same way
as has been done in the case of teaching faculty.

the DUTA expressed its anguish and dismay over the non-filling of
around 4000 vacant teaching positions in the University of Delhi
while the teaching-learning process suffers, and the unwarranted
harassment of teachers, for no fault of theirs on the question of
CPF/ GPF conversion.

Chairman made it clear that there is no bar on recruitment and the
UGC is all for filling-up teaching positions expeditiously. The
Chairman was very concerned about the issue of CPF/ GPF, and he asked
the DUTA to hand him an exclusive representation in this regard which
he promised to personally take up with the Secretary, MHRD and make
all efforts to solve the matter once for all.

One the
issue of points–accumulation for promotion, the Chairman agreed
that the matter has generated a lot of heat and the UGC is
considering appropriate ways and means to sort out the matter that
exercises the teaching community at large. The Chairman
was also of the opinion that all approved self-financing courses
being run by the University and its Colleges be funded by the Govt./
the meeting appeared to be positive as the Chairman stated that out
of 83 issues, raised from time to time, 67 have been favourably
addressed by the anomalies Committee of the UGC and the same await
clearance by a full meeting of the UGC which, he assured, would be
held in Dec 2011 itself.

S.D. Siddiqui, Secretary                                                      Amar Deo Sharma, President


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