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DUTA General Body Resolution, 22.9.2012


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Resolution adopted unanimously by the DUTA General Body at its Meeting held at Ramjas College on September 22, 2012

The General Body of the DUTA takes a serious note of the Vice Chancellor, Prof. Dinesh Singh’s unbecoming and perverse attitude in not meeting and coming to the negotiation table with DUTA while the University abounds in a galore of academic problems, teachers’ grievances and administrative ailments. This General Body condemns the Vice Chancellor for commenting that DUTA is an “illegal welfare body made by teachers” and the Delhi University Administration, for calling the activities of DUTA “farcical.” Not only this, now has the Vice Chancellor undertaken a nefarious exercise of pressurizing various college Principals not to allow the DUTA to hold its own GBMs on their premises, of which the withdrawals of already granted permissions for the same by SRCC and Ramjas College are glaring instances. It is another matter that in the case of the latter, permission was granted later, as an afterthought, when the Vice Chancellor came to know that the DUTA had been granted an appointment with the Hon’ble President of India, in his capacity as the Visitor of this University, on September 21, 2012 to represent to him its long-standing demands which clamour for solution.

The General Body of the DUTA takes a satisfactory note of the patient and receptive hearing that the Hon’ble President of India gave to the concerns raised by the DUTA delegation, and the reassurances he gave about studying the concerns closely and using his good offices towards restoring administrative delivery and academic prestige in his bid to save the declining University.

The General Body of the DUTA expresses deep concern over the many issues afflicting teachers and contributing to their deteriorating morale and alienating professional environment. Close to four thousand teaching positions not being filled through regular selection, overdue promotions of teachers not being done, constitutional obligation of Reservations in teaching positions with regard to SC, ST and OBC quotas being ignored despite the UGC Guidelines of 2006, the contentious issue of CPF/GPF conversion not being settled, anomalies in the Sixth Pay Revision as well as the atrocious Point-based system of Promotion not being removed, pensions of retired teachers not being fixed, an Assured Pension Scheme not being restored for young teachers who suffer from the imposition of the NPS, along with other equally important issues listed in the DUTA Charter of Demands adopted at its GBM on January 31, 2011. The General Body is committed to waging continuous struggles to force the University authorities, the Delhi Government, The UGC and the MHRD to meet all these demands and put the concerns at rest.

The General Body of the DUTA is particularly perturbed by a fresh assault by the University authorities on the integrity and self-esteem of the teaching community through the machinations of bio-metric and any other system of attendance. The General Body notes that the matter was debated at length on 23 December 2009 in the Executive Council of the University, which, in its wisdom, rejected the proposal for daily marking of attendance by teachers, and instead authorized the Vice Chancellor to set up a sub-committee and arrive at a decision in the light of the DUTA document of 2000, on Academic Reforms and curbing Absenteeism. This General Body therefore urges the Vice Chancellor to set up the above committee to expedite the matter in the best interests of teaching-learning.

This General Body censures the Vice Chancellor for his contemptuous disregard of the Statutory Bodies of the University – the AC and the EC – and destroying the entire academic fabric by unilaterally announcing new courses and academic programmes through the media and running the University as his personal fiefdom.

This General Body opines that not only that the Vice Chancellor has miserably failed to improve the academic environment of the University – fresh problems ranging from the imposition of arbitrary moderation of results to financial frauds – have also cropped up during his dictatorial, anti-academic and anti-democratic regime. This General Body refuses to take all this lying down and condemns the Vice Chancellor in unequivocal terms.

As a first step to compel the Vice Chancellor to mend his ways and restore sanity in the University, this General Body resolves to start on Indefinite Relay Hunger-Strike outside the Vice Chancellor’s office w.e.f October 10, 2012. Should there be no improvement in the sordid state of affairs in the University, DUTA shall consider other options to intensify its struggle including Joint Action Programmes with DUCKU and DUSU.

If the University authorities fail to concede the demands raised by the DUTA within a definite time frame after the commencement of the Relay Hunger Strike, the DUTA will move towards more precipitative actions including General Strike after due consultations with Staff Associations and Department Councils.


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