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DUTA Demands Removal of VC Dinesh Singh at its Annual GBM

Denied a venue for the third time in a row, teachers of Delhi University converged for the annual General Body Meeting of the DUTA outside the Arts Faculty gates and resolved to go on a massive stir for the VC’s removal. The DUTA GBM witnessed a huge turnout of teachers who are angered by the vindictive behavior of the VC, which is reflected in the recent EC decisions to deny pensions to a large numbers of teachers appointed prior to 1.1.1986 and to implement the Points-based Promotion Criteria retrospectively from 2008, instead of the date of amendment of the Ordinances viz 17.8.2013, as had been decided by the EC last year.

The DUTA GBM has demanded the immediate resumption of Permanent Appointments to the 4500 vacant posts based on the implementation of the Govt. of India Roster and the full implementation of its Reservation Policy, along with scrapping of the unacademic screening criteria and through properly constituted selection committees.

On the CPF-GPF issue: The DUTA GBM also noted that MHRD has sent a letter dated 26 August, 2014, (copy attached) to the University wherein the latter has been instructed to re-examine the issue in consultation with the UGC, in the light of the decision taken in the Finance Committee meeting held on 15.7.2014. Since the University, by its own admission in the EC meeting, has not held consultations with the UGC, its act of filing an appeal  challenging the relief given to teachers in the matter of pension by the Hon’ble High Court in its judgment on 30.4.2014 is clearly unilateral and malafide. The DUTA GBM has demanded the immediate withdrawal of the University’s Review Petition in this regard, that would endanger the grant of pension to more than 3000 teachers.

 The DUTA GBM also re-iterated its resolve to fight for a proper pension scheme for all those teachers who were appointed after 1.1.2004, along with other universities and Trade Unions across the country.

The DUTA GBM also demanded the immediate setting aside of the last EC decision on the new Promotion Criteria which seeks to apply the Points system retrospectively, and is in contravention of Section 26 of the UGC Act that prohibits retrospective application of adverse service conditions. The pushing back of the cut-off date to 2008 would affect around 2,500 teachers adversely. The DUTA GBM has demanded a comprehensive review of the entire points based appraisal system, that has made a mockery of genuine teaching and research in the University.

The GBM culminated in a protest march to the VC’s Office, in which the DUCKU and several students organisations also participated. The DUTA GBM has resolved to follow this up with demonstrations at MHRD and UGC in support of its demands.

The DUTA appreciates the letter sent by MHRD to the University on 25 August 2014 (copy attached), wherein the University has been asked to reply, para-wise, on all complaints about “the alleged anomalies and irregularities in the functioning of the University” listed in the DUTA’s representation. The DUTA had submitted a 500 page White Paper to the Visitor, and appealed for a Visitorial Enquiry into all the charges, pending which the Vice Chancellor must be removed from office. It has submitted a copy of the White Paper to the HRD Ministry and the Central Vigilance Commission as well.

President, DUTA
Secretary, DUTA

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