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DUTA Press Release, 16.06.2016 : Call for intensification of movement for Roll Back of API and for Permanent Appointments


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Call for intensification of movement for Roll Back of API and for Permanent Appointments

Exempts the final year and FYUP batch from its protest action of evaluation boycott

Thousands of teachers attended the DUTA General Body at Khalsa College, which was followed by a March on Campus. Following resolution was adopted unanimously by the DUTA GBM.

Resolution adopted by DUTA GBM of 16 June 2016

The massive united and principled struggle by the DUTA, with the support of students and teachers’ associations across the country, has forced the Government to backtrack from the disastrous policy of irrational increase in teaching hours that a teacher had to undertake and the consequent reduction in the number of teachers. The Government was left with no defense in the face of the massive campaign against the anti-education nature of the workload policy.

It is, however, unfortunate that the Government had decided to continue with the API based promotion scheme (PBAS), despite its proven adverse impact on teaching, learning and research, as well as the service conditions of teachers by large scale denial of promotions for the last eight years. In the face of country-wide opposition to the API(PBAS), articulated by the DUTA as well as the AIFUCTO and FEDCUTA, the Government had earlier promised to reconsider it, and had set up the Nigavekar Committee for the purpose. However, it has done just the opposite by not only continuing with the API system but also by adding additional negative features. The DUTA stands resolutely opposed to this anti-academic promotion policy that has an adverse effect on the quality of education and is driving talent away from the profession.

The DUTA reiterates its resolve to continue its struggle for expedited permanent appointment and an end to the pernicious ad-hocism and contractualisation of the teaching profession that afflict our universities.

The DUTA has consistently demanded the application of reservation roster in accordance with the national provisions. It will continue to agitate till appointments are done using the correct roster.

The DUTA expresses its heartfelt gratitude to all organisations, especially students organisations, which supported the struggle initiated by the DUTA, as well as leaders of political parties and the media.  It appeals to them for their continued support in our struggle to save the public-funded higher education system.

The DUTA, as an association of teachers, is committed to its students while the Government and the UGC have shown no sensitivity towards students and education. The MHRD has displayed unwarranted disregard for all  propriety in refusing to meet the DUTA for the resolution of the grievances of the teachers. The DUTA was forced to start evaluation boycott to highlight the blatantly anti-education character of this policy assault. Keeping the future of the final year students in mind, the DUTA exempts the final year and FYUP batch from its protest action of evaluation boycott.

The General Body of the DUTA appeals to all teachers to participate wholeheartedly in evaluation of scripts for the final year students and FYUP batch so that their results be brought out at the earliest, preferably within a week.

To intensify our struggle for realization of our demands for complete roll back of API, starting permanent appointments with correct GOI roster with backlog and one time exemption of those registered for PhD before the UGC Regulations, 2009, from NET, the DUTA adopts the following action programme:-

1.  Continuation of evaluation boycott for the answer scripts of the 1st and 2nd year students (non-          FYUP batch);

2.   Boycott of all aspects of admission process;
3.   Boycott of all Staff Council Committees;
4.   Mass candle light vigil from 6 pm to 8 pm on Saturday, 18 June 2016, at Mandi House;
5.   Meeting of DUTA Extended Executive on Monday, 20 June 2016 at 3 pm to review and take               review the matter and suggest future action programme.

The DUTA GBM authorizes the Executive to chalk out steps for advancing our demands.


President, DUTA
Secretary, DUTA

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