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DUTA Press Release, 7 June 2017: Retrospective Implementation of API turns DU into zero promotion zone


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DUTA Press Release, 7 June 2017: Retrospective Implementation of API turns DU into zero promotion zone

In response to the DUTA’s call for a Pen Down Strike today, teachers boycotted the evaluation centres and gathered at the Arts Faculty Gate for a Public Meeting at 11 am which went on till after 2 p.m.

The action programme was held to draw attention to the plight of nearly 3000 teachers who have waited for over five to seven years for their promotions. The retrospective application of API in Delhi University from 31.12.2008, almost five years before its adoption by the Executive Council, has led to a situation wherein large numbers of teachers are being subjected to a promotion scheme that they did not know about and have little chance of fulfilling the criteria unless they are allowed to go back in time. The current VC was appraised of the situation on assuming office but more than a year has passed and no efforts are being seen to be made by the administration to resolve this crisis.

Teachers who spoke at the Public Meeting narrated their plight and how zero promotions have affected their professional and personal lives. The demand to withdraw the retrospective application of API was reiterated. The retrograde API system which is unacademic and irrational as it quantifies the work done by teachers with scant regard for quality must be withdrawn completely and a reasonable promotion scheme similar to the earlier scheme must be brought in so that teachers are assured of a career progression like in other professions. Other issues that were highlighted were the counting of past service for promotion and extending of some provisions like relief in terms of compensation for leave period, counting preparation hours, internal assessment, relaxation in capping etc.

Speakers also decried the systematic attempts made by successive Governments to privatize public funded institutions and to make the teaching profession unattractive through a series of cost-cutting measures including denial of promotional avenues.

The DUTA had written in this regard to the Vice-Chancellor and sought an appointment with him to impress upon the need to resolve the matter to raise the morale of the teachers. A delegation of the DUTA will be meeting the Pro-VC tomorrow to discuss the matter.

President, DUTA
Secretary, DUTA

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